The SSIRI program designs, develops, and pilot-tests appropriate and cost-effective technologies in an effort to provide learning opportunities for children, adults and teachers in southern Sudan. "dot-EDU Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction (SSIRI) Program”.An EDC pilot project to build the capacity of teachers to integrate ICTs into teaching and learning, and, to strengthen the capacity of local non-governmental organization (NGO) members to assist schools and communities to manage school-based Community Learning Centers for community development. This article describes three of the five IICD supported projects in Burkina Faso focusing on rural development using ICTs. International Institute for Communication and Development.

“ICTs and Rural Development: a case from Burkina Faso”. Women in a rural area of Zambia are using ICTs in a women’s resource centre to improve money making activities by using the Internet to market their produce. "IICD supported project: Kalomo Bwacha Women’s ICT Club”.A programme in Ethiopia to support training for the blind and visually impaired using ICTs. UNESCO Communication and Information Bulletin. “Ethiopian Centre Promoting ICT Use by Blind People Supported by UNESCO”.The first Community Multimedia Centre with radio and ICTs in Mozambique, opened as part of UNESCO’s multi-country scale up initiative, was inaugurated on May 9, 2005. “The First Scale-up CMC Gets off the Ground in Mozambique”.Report contains recommendations for a Pro-Poor ICT4D Non-Formal Education Policy. Final Report for Imfundo: Partnership for IT in Education. “Information Technologies and Education for the Poor in Africa (ITEPA)”. The focus of this research was to develop a sustainable Information and Communication Technology (ICT) model in a Nigerian community. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT. “ICT provision to disadvantaged urban communities: A study in South Africa and Nigeria”. Back to ICT4EdAfrica/ICT4EdAfrica Bibliography